School’s done? Time for fun!
Last day of school = first day of summer, that’s just math. Here are a few ideas to kick-start the celebration.
Blast some tunes, wave encouraging signs, toss some candy, parade your way back home. What’s not to love?
Add a root beer
float (get it?)
to top it off.
Gratitude garden
Personalize planters to share with someone—teachers, librarians, coaches, etc.—from the school year you’re thankful for.
Write your own
message on these
Games & grills
Ice down your fave bevvies & hit the park for some softball, cornhole, pickleball or whatever game your group loves. Losing team makes dinner.
A playlist with
walk-up music
for each player
is big league fun.
Backyard movies
Show an age-appropriate movie about the last day of school (a quick search will give you some options) or whichever flick has the most quoteability among your group.
Try a double-feature for the younger and older groups.
Props for teacher
They’re looking forward to the summer as much as you are. Send ’em off with a small gesture of how much they meant to you. They’ll appreciate it.
A Target GiftCard
is basically a gold bar to a teacher.