About this item
- Lightweight, yet durable enough to withstand the demands of the classroom year after year
- Graph in vibrant colors to make faster, stronger connections
- Powered by a TI Rechargeable Battery that can last up to one month on a single charge
- Distraction-free (no Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, internet access) to keep students focused on learning
- Code on the go — students can code anytime, anywhere with the power of portable programming
- Ideal for students to use in any learning environment, virtual or in person
- Display expressions, symbols and fractions just as you write them
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Q: Does this have Python?
A: The model shown has "python" written in front plus description stated it does
submitted byTommyandTuppence - 1 year agoA: The UPC of the bright white TI 84 plus CE version without python is 033317209552. The UPC of the version listed here is 033317209729 - that's what I received (the python version) so listing is correct
submitted byTommyandTuppence - 1 year agoA: I just bought it two days ago and received it today. The item sent was indeed this new version with python!
submitted byTommyandTuppence - 1 year agoA: Hi, TLN! Regarding your question about the Texas Instruments 84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator: They do make a TI-84 Plus Python Edition graphing calculator, this version does not have that feature though. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact MyTGTtech at 877-698-4883 every day, between 7am-11pm CST.
submitted byPatrick - 1 year agoTarget expert supportA: This model doesn't have Python, but you can buy a version with Python and TI Basic online. However, the calculator with Python usually costs more.
submitted byMason - 1 year ago
Q: Does this come with a case?
A: Yes. You can slide the case onto the front or back of the calculator.
submitted byMason - 1 year agoA: Hi bvb, thanks for reaching out about Texas Instruments 84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator. This calculator does not include a case. If you have any additional questions, we welcome you to contact MyTGTtech at 833-848-8324 every day, between 7am-11pm CST.
submitted byMatt - 1 year agoTarget expert support
Q: The description says it uses AAA batteries. But it also says it has a rechargeable battery. Which is it? If it is rechargeable, is it much lighter than the 84 plus?
A: The TI-84 Plus CE has a rechargeable lithium battery. However, this calculator is actually 0.3 ounces heavier than the regular TI-84 Plus.
submitted byMason - 1 year agoA: Hi Mo, thanks for reaching out about the Texas Instruments 84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator. Yes, the Texas Instruments 84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator has 4 AAA rechargeable Lithium Ion batteries. If you have any additional questions, we welcome you to contact MyTGTtech at 833-848-8324 every day, between 7 am-11 pm CST.
submitted byRena - 2 years agoTarget expert support
Q: If I order this calculator, how do I recharge the battery? Does the shipment include a cord to recharge the battery or is that bought separately?
A: The box should come with a cable and a brick that you can use to charge the calculator.
submitted byMason - 1 year agoA: Hi Sherri W, thanks for reaching out about the Texas Instruments 84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator. The calculator has a rechargeable Battery and comes with a USB cable. If you have any additional questions, we welcome you to contact MyTGTtech at 833-848-8324 every day, between 7 am-11 pm CST.
submitted byRena - 2 years agoTarget expert support
Q: Does this calculator come with a charging cord ?
A: Hi Xiaolin Jiang, thanks for reaching out about Texas Instruments 84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator. Yes, a charger is included, as well as an additional short cord to plug into a USB Port on a laptop or computer for downloading purposes. If you have any additional questions, we welcome you to contact MyTGTtech at 833-848-8324 every day, between 7am-11pm CST.
submitted byJoe - 5 months agoTarget staff support
Q: In the description of this product it says it has Python, but I have seen reviews that some people did not get a Pythin version. So does the white color have Pythin or not?
A: Hi satified customer, thanks for reaching out about Texas Instruments 84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator Yes, the calculator in this listing does include Python. If you have any additional questions, we welcome you to contact MyTGTtech at 833-848-8324 every day, between 7am-11pm CST.
submitted byMike - 5 months agoTarget expert support
Q: can this calculator do fractions?
A: Hi julia, thanks for reaching out about Texas Instruments 84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator. The TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators do not have a specific fraction key, but does have a template that allows fractions to be entered. If you have any additional questions, we welcome you to contact MyTGTtech at 833-848-8324 every day, between 7am-11pm CST.
submitted byMatt - 5 months agoTarget expert support
Q: My calculator got wet with rain. Now it’s not turning on. What do you recommend me to do?
A: Hi Albany, thanks for reaching out about Texas Instruments 84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator. We apologize for the issue you are experiencing and have a few suggestions that may help: The best suggestion would be to take the batteries out and let dry off the calculator. once no water is coming from inside the calculator, let air dry for 48hr in a well-vented area install fresh batteries and with any luck, it will be working again. If these steps are not successful, we invite you to contact MyTGTtech at 833-848-8324 every day, between 7am-11pm CST.
submitted byMatt - 6 months agoTarget expert support
Q: What are the dimensions of the screen on this calculator?
A: Hi Becky, thanks for reaching out about Texas Instruments 84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator. The screen of the Texas Instruments 84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator is 320 x 240 pixels (2.8" diagonally). If you have any additional questions, we welcome you to contact MyTGTtech at 833-848-8324 every day, between 7am-11pm CST.
submitted byJoe - 6 months agoTarget staff support
Q: At the top of the calculator it says TI 84-Plus CE Python but in a previous comment it was stated that this was not the Python Edition. Can you explain why this one says Python and what it means?
A: Hi LH, thanks for reaching out about the Texas Instruments 84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator. This is the TI-84 Plus CE Python edition it has Python on the face plate. If you have any additional questions, we welcome you to contact MyTGTtech at 833-848-8324 every day, between 7 am-11 pm CST.
submitted byRena - 1 year agoTarget expert support