Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible-NASB - (Key Word Study Bibles) by Spiros Zodhiates & Warren Patrick Baker (Leather Bound)
About this item
- There are times when a Greek or Hebrew word has a distinct meaning that seriously affects the proper interpretation of Scripture.
- Author(s): Spiros Zodhiates & Warren Patrick Baker
- 2318 Pages
- Religion, New American Standard Bible
- Series Name: Key Word Study Bibles
About the Book
Dr. Spiros Zodhiates' greatest contribution to Bible students everywhere is the Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible, which takes the reader to the source of the Hebrew and Greek words and Greek grammar. In addition, there are extensive exegetical footnotes explaining the most difficult passages of the Old and New Testaments. Words of Christ in Red; Center-Column References. BURGUNDY BONDED LEATHER
Book Synopsis
There are times when a Greek or Hebrew word has a distinct meaning that seriously affects the proper interpretation of Scripture. Unless you are familiar with these languages, you will not be able to determine what word in the original text was used or the differences between these words-until now.
The Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible identifies the key words of the original languages and presents clear, precise explanations of their meaning and usage. Those who love God's Word will treasure this Bible, for it contains a whole library of biblical helps within its covers.
* Wider Margins on Pages of the Bible Text
* Key Words in the Biblical Text Coded to Strong's Numbers
* New Word Studies with AMG's Annotated Strong's Dictionaries
* Red Letter Edition of the 1977 NASB Bible
Review Quotes
"The Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible is my favorite. I can give it no higher recommendation than to say it is the Bible I have raised my daughters to use."
BETH MOORE, Living Proof Ministries, Houston, Texas