Recupera Tu Mente, Reconquista Tu Vida - by Marian Rojas Estapé (Paperback)
About this item
- Cómo rescatar la atención perdida en un mundo distraído e hiperconectado.
- Author(s): Marian Rojas Estapé
- 384 Pages
- Self Improvement, Emotions
About the Book
We are increasingly impatient and irritable. Do you notice that it is harder for you to pay attention? Have you been feeling anxious lately? Do you tolerate boredom and pain worse? We live in the era of instant gratification, in the culture of immediacy and rewards and we seek happiness at the click of a button. We lead a hectic and intense life, and with fast mode activated. Without realizing it, we have become emotional drug addicts inundated with multiple distractions. All of this has an impact on our ability to pay attention to what is important, to go deeper and to concentrate. The good news is that we can rescue lost attention, reconnect with ourselves and with everything wonderful that surrounds us to find that emotional balance that we so long for. In this book, Dr. Marian Rojas Estaép, with her informative and scientific style, delves into these and other issues. She introduces you to dopamine, the pleasure hormone, and how it affects the search for immediate rewards that are the order of the day, the perception of pain, boredom and discomfort. Recover your mind, recapture your life helps you think about what behaviors you show when you find yourself involved in emotions that you don't know how to manage and provides you with tools to understand yourself better, and thus regain control of your life.Book Synopsis
Cómo rescatar la atención perdida en un mundo distraído e hiperconectado.Cada vez somos más impacientes y estamos más irritables. ¿Notas que te cuesta más prestar atención? ¿Has sentido ansiedad últimamente? ¿Toleras peor el aburrimiento y el dolor?
Vivimos en la era de la gratificación instantánea, en la cultura de la inmediatez y las recompensas y buscamos la felicidad a golpe de clic. Llevamos una vida agitada e intensa, y con el modo fast activado. Sin darnos cuenta nos hemos convertido en drogodependientes emocionales inundados de múltiples distracciones. Todo esto tiene un impacto en nuestra capacidad de prestar atención a lo importante, de profundizar y de concentrarnos.
La buena noticia es que podemos rescatar la atención perdida, volver a reconectar con nosotros mismos y con todo lo maravilloso que nos rodea para encontrar ese equilibrio emocional que tanto ansiamos.
En este libro, la doctora Marian Rojas Estapé, con su estilo divulgativo y científico, ahonda en estas y en otras cuestiones. Te presenta a la dopamina, la hormona del placer, y cómo afecta en la búsqueda de las recompensas inmediatas que están a la orden del día, en la percepción del dolor, del aburrimiento y del malestar.
Recupera tu mente, reconquista tu vida te ayuda a pensar qué conductas muestras cuando te ves envuelto en emociones que no sabes gestionar y te proporciona herramientas para que te comprendas mejor, y así recuperar el control de tu vida.ENGLISH DESCRIPTION
How to rescue our attention in a distracted and hyperconnected world.
We live in an era of instant gratification, in a culture of immediacy, looking for happiness at the tip of our fingers. We lead active and intense lives. We have become emotional technodependents drowned by multiple distractions. All of this impacts our ability to pay attention and focus.
The good news is that we can rescue our long-lost attention, reconnect with ourselves and everything wonderful around us to find the emotional equilibrium we seek. In this book, Dr. Marian Rojas Estapé will introduce dopamine, the hormone of pleasure, and teach readers how this one affects the search for immediate gratification, the perception of pain, boredom, and discomfort. This book will help readers think about the conduct they display when engaging with uncomfortable emotions and will provide tools that will help them understand themselves better and gain back control of their life.