The Smile That Went Around the World - by Patrice Karst (Hardcover)
About this item
- From the author of the Best-Selling children's book, THE INVISIBLE STRINGWhat if you discovered one day you did something that helped millions of people all over the world and changed their lives?
- 3-10 Years
- 9.2" x 9.1" Hardcover
- 22 Pages
- Family + Relationships, Friendship
About the Book
A young boy learns that a kind act can set off a chain reaction of smiling and encouragement that comes back around to him.Book Synopsis
From the author of the Best-Selling children's book, THE INVISIBLE STRINGWhat if you discovered one day you did something that helped millions of people all over the world and changed their lives? Something so simple that it was recognized and understood by everyone in every country everywhere . . . and all it took was a kind gesture to get it started. Too good to be true? Then it's time for you to meetThe Smile That Went Around the World.
What starts out as a simple gift, soon turns into a chain-reaction of smiles and kindness in this heart-warming story about a smile...that went around the world. Each smile sparks another, and then another and another and another until one day, that same smile appears out of nowhere... to help someone very special. This is a wonderful story to share with young readers, letting them know just how far a smile will go and that it's a little bit of magic that is understood in every country of the world. All it takes is one gesture to get the party started and young readers will be excited to learn that they can do something that can help millions of people all over the world.
Review Quotes
The Smile That Went Around the World is a charming children's story about a smile shared by a Justin when he shared his cookies with some hungry people. The smile is contagious. It travels from Justin, to Rupert Price at the airport, to Mrs. Green, to Hong Kong, to Coach Martinez, the pilot, who flew back home and returned the smile to Justin, just when he really needed it.
This beautifully illustrated, optimistic story is conveyed both in and soft, bright colored illustrations, ending with this observation: You never really know how far a smile can go. When one comes your way, it may have traveled thousands of miles and cheered millions of people before it ever reached you. But even more amazing than that, just think about how far your next smile might go!--Midwest Book Review
How can you be in love with a book? Easy when it has the enduring impact on a child that Patrice Karst's books do. She's got the magic touch. Such simple, beautiful, books such profound effects. Every home should have them.--SANDIE SEDGBEER, Editor in Chief--Inspired Parenting Magazine
This is a wonderful story to share with young readers, letting them know just how far a smile will go and that it s a little bit of magic that is understood in every country of the world. All it takes is one gesture to get the party started and young readers will be excited to learn that they can do something that can help millions of people all over the world. --Lori Calabrese, Award-winning Children's author