About this item
- A widowed single mother, domestic-violence survivor, impoverished Southern belle and poor relation of America's first president: Eugenia Washington, Mary Desha, Ellen Hardin Walworth and Mary Smith Lockwood.
- Author(s): Noel Marie Fletcher
- 318 Pages
- Biography + Autobiography, Women
About the Book
"A widowed single mother, domestic abuse survivor, impoverished Southern belle and poor relation of America's first president: Eugenia Washington, Mary Desha, Ellen Hardin Walworth and Mary Smith Lockwood. They founded an enduring organization for women: the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution--dedicated to promoting historic preservation, education, patriotism and remembering the legacy of Revolutionary War Patriots"--Back coverBook Synopsis
A widowed single mother, domestic-violence survivor, impoverished Southern belle and poor relation of America's first president: Eugenia Washington, Mary Desha, Ellen Hardin Walworth and Mary Smith Lockwood. They founded an enduring organization for women: the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution -- dedicated to promoting historic preservation, education, patriotism and remembering the legacy of Revolutionary War patriots. Women's rights advocate/journalist, Mary Smith Lockwood is featured in the latest book written by helped form the Woman's National Press Association in 1882 and was its president. WNPA successfully fought for the rights of women journalists to have seats, set apart for their use, in both houses of Congress-despite the fact that women still couldn't vote.This is the story of their challenges, tragedies and triumphs as they strove to empower women.
Review Quotes
"Every Daughter, or any woman who wants to be a Daughter should read Noel-Marie's book! You may know, or at least think you know, the basics about the Founders of the D.A.R. but now you can read the rest of the story about the strong, accomplished, tenacious, dedicated, committed, brave, independent, hardworking, don't-take-no-for-an-answer women." - Jane L. Johnson, Recording Secretary, Pleasant Prospect Chapter; Maryland National Defense State Chair; former Maryland State Recording Secretary and Chapter Regent
"The fascinating story of four women, who worked in 19th century Washington, D.C, . and who founded one of the largest women's volunteer organizations in the United States."
- Susan Stonesifer -- Ret. Branch Manager, Howard County Library System, and State Chaplain, District of Columbia Daughters of the American Revolution