About this item
- "I will not give sleep to my eyes...until I find...a dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob.
- Author(s): Lee M Cummings
- 140 Pages
- Religion + Beliefs, Christianity
Book Synopsis
"I will not give sleep to my eyes...until I find...a dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob." Psalm 132:4-5This was King David's vow-to give no rest to his eyes until he found a place for God to dwell. He understood the importance of having and hosting the Presence of God in his nation and among God's people. In Give No Rest! Lee Cummings urges the Body of Christ to prioritize God's Presence. If we will give Him His rightful place in our lives and churches-if we will pursue Him in prayer and worship-a spiritual explosion of seismic proportions will shake our cities and nation for God! Revival will erupt in America.
In this book, you will discover:
- what consumerism has produced in the American church
- how the biblical example of King David can be used to redirect the heart of God's people
- how prayer and worship create a dwelling place for the Lord
- what the early church did to impact their world
- what pastors and church leaders must do to steward and spearhead the prayer and worship movements in their churches
Join the movement of praying and worshipping churches in this nation that will give no rest until they see the Lord shake heaven and earth once more.
Review Quotes
Bob Sorge, Author, Secrets of the Secret Place
"Lee, put the trumpet to your mouth! Call the Church back to Jesus and His Presence! Spread the message of this book until we're prostrated in tears of holy desperation for God and His glory. May our cities once again be shaken as the lightnings of God flash through the streets. 'Unto Him be glory in the Church!'"
Michael Miller, Lead Pastor, UPPERROOM, Dallas TX
"This is one of my favorite pastors writing on one of my favorite subjects. The Presence of Jesus is once again becoming priority for the people of God. As God raised up King David to redirect His people back to His Presence, a new breed of leaders are emerging today and doing the same thing. Lee Cummings is uniquely positioned to write on this subject as both a local pastor and a prophetic teacher of our time. Give No Rest! is the fruit of a life lived in pursuit of the Presence of Jesus in prayer and worship. There is a massive cultural shift coming to the Church, and this book provides needed language and direction for the hour ahead."
Brian Kim, Pastor, House Denver Founder, Acts School of Ministry, Denver, CO
"My friend Lee Cummings walks with a unique courage and grace for our generation. Few men have provoked a hunger for God like he has. Lee is a man on fire, and he loves the Church to whom he is writing. May this book ignite a renewed passion to pursue the Presence of God until He comes."