
Jane Eyre - (Clásicos Ilustrados) by Charlotte Brontë (Hardcover)

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  • We find ourselves with a novel that was ahead of its time, both in the narrative and the theme, a work that transcends romanticism to enter autobiographical and ideological territories.
  • 592 Pages
  • Fiction + Literature Genres, Literary
  • Series Name: Clásicos Ilustrados


About the Book

"We find ourselves with a novel that was ahead of its time, both in the narrative and the theme, a work that transcends romanticism to enter autobiographical and ideological territories. The character of Jane Eyre is the portrait of a woman who fights to be recognized as valuable as anyone else. This message is now more valid than ever."--Provided by publisher.

Book Synopsis

We find ourselves with a novel that was ahead of its time, both in the narrative and the theme, a work that transcends romanticism to enter autobiographical and ideological territories. The character of Jane Eyre is the portrait of a woman who fights to be recognized as valuable as anyone else. This message is now more valid than ever.

Nos hallamos ante una novela adelantada a su tiempo, tanto en lo narrativo como en lo temático, una obra que trasciende el romanticismo al uso para adentrarse en los terrenos autobiográfico e ideológico. El personaje de Jane Eyre es el retrato de una mujer que lucha por su reconocimiento como persona tan válida como cualquier otra. El mensaje está más vigente que nunca.

About the Author

Charlotte Bronte is a well-known author. She attended a boarding school that was the inspiration behind Jane Eyre. Unfortunately, the terrible conditions there led her to contract tuberculosis.

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