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Q: Is it all 6 for $25 or just one?
A: You only get one for that price!
submitted byMonae - 9 months agoA: it's 25 for each one
submitted bysuzybwoo - 9 months agoA: you only get one version, there are 5 member versions and one group version if you order online you also don't get to choose which version you get
submitted bysarah - 9 months ago
Q: I bought 2 and got the same version ffs
A: I find it best to place separate orders and space them apart. This happened to me with the Stray Kids digipaks I ordered for the 5 Star era.
submitted byPretendetKitty - 9 months agoA: that sucks not gonna lie
submitted byjosh - 9 months ago
Q: Where is Target Exclusive does that means can get 5+1 photocard?
A: It's a +1 postcard. Not a photocard.
submitted byJiisan - 9 months agoA: You get one version, 5 photocards of that one member you get + 1 postcard.
submitted byMonae - 9 months ago
Q: What makes it a Target exclusive compared to buying elsewhere?
A: the poster cards in the album will be no where but target. Say there's a walmart exclusive, there won't be the walmarts postcards in the target album
submitted bybunny - 9 months agoA: the sticker on the albums in the picture say the target exclusive is an additional postcard. that postcard will not be available anywhere besides target :)
submitted byuser218 - 9 months ago
Q: What are the different versions of the album?
A: With my experience from past kpop albums it's likely that there will be more photo cards of that certain idol
submitted byKylie - 9 months ago
Q: May I ask what the inclusions are in the album?
A: Interview book, photobook, a mini poster, cd, a postcard, a bookmark, sticker pack and 5 photocards, each inclusion depends of what version you get
submitted byNoName - 9 months ago