Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Inclusive Classroom, 2nd Edition - by Barbara L Boroson & Barbara Boroson (Paperback)
About this item
- With 1 in 68 children now being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, every teacher needs to be ready to teach children with ASD.
- 240 Pages
- Education, Elementary
About the Book
"I got this for my daughter who is studying to become a teacher. She wants to learn everything she can and after reading this said that it's explained so much that she didn't understand about the spectrum. She said it didn't take her long to read and caught her attention right away. It's very informative and perfect to learn about autism and all that you need to know."-Beemom2, Amazon Vine - Spring 2017
Book Synopsis
With 1 in 68 children now being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, every teacher needs to be ready to teach children with ASD. This engaging and informative book--now completely revised and updated to reflect the latest statistics and research--will both help you understand your students on the autism spectrum and provide strategies to help them succeed in school. Drawing on 25 years of experience working with students with ASD, Barbara Boroson guides you to create a classroom community that is attuned to the needs of children with ASD and allows all of your students to learn and grow.Review Quotes
"I am not a teacher but I am a parent of a young child with autism. That said, I am not the target audience for this book, but have interacted with a number of teachers regrading my son and his education. He is currently in a special ed classroom and not in an inclusive classroom, but a lot of the information and techniques provided can help any teacher or care giver who interacts with children with Autism or Asperger's.
This book is packed with info and it is organized and sectioned off very well. You can read through the whole book but you can also find specific areas or issues that you want to focus on. There are recommendations for phone apps which I found very helpful.
I also was pleased with the author's explanation of parents of children with Autism and her recommendations for teachers and administrators to be respectful and sensitive to what parents are going through and where they are on their journey.
I think this book would definitely be helpful to any teacher who has students with Autism in their classroom." --MHP
Provided via Amazon Vine"I chose 4 stars because the book does have some valuable information and its put together well.
It's great introductory level book for educators and their assistants. I found a few nuggets of very important information pertaining to the neuroscience involved with some of those in the Autism Spectrum. The book offers instructions on how to communicate with students best through understanding what routines and totems help the student feel safe and therefore open to communication and classroom activities. There are several chapters and templates for scheduling activities and tips on how to get information from parents and caregivers. I did not think enough on behavioral tips for meltdowns." --Brenda
Provided via Amazon Vine"I got this for my daughter who is studying to become a teacher. She wants to learn everything she can and after reading this said that it's explained so much that she didn't understand about the spectrum. She said it didn't take her long to read and caught her attention right away. It's very informative and perfect to learn about autism and all that you need to know." --Beemom2
Provided via Amazon Vine"I wish this had been required reading for a few of my son's teachers. I wish it had been required reading for me.
My son is 16 and I still need both the vocabulary and the information behind it in this book to communicate effectively with his teachers. While the book is intended for educators, as a parent, I canot tell you how much of a relief it is to see that some of the more confounding behavior and coping strategies my son uses have names. And people know about them. Smart people. What's more, the book discusses when and how to help him learn to change some of these behaviors and when and how to just leave him be and let him do what works for him.
The book isn't technical or hard to follow. It's organized beautifully. If I have a question, I can find the answer (if it's there and so far it has been) in seconds. HIGHLY RECOMMEND." --A
Provided via Amazon VineAbout the Author
Barbara Boroson is a nationally recognized keynote speaker and professional development provider in autism spectrum education. Her dynamic and informative workshops reach teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, building staff, and parents in school districts around the country. Barbara holds a bachelor's degree in writing from Cornell University and a master's degree in social work from Columbia University. She has worked in autism spectrum education for 25 years in clinical, administrative, and advisory capacities. She lives just outside of NYC with her husband and their two children. Find her at www.barbaraboroson.com, or follow her on Twitter @BarbaraBoroson and on LinkedIn.