Dispensationalism and Free Grace - by Grant Hawley (Paperback)
About this item
- The Bible has been unnecessarily complicated by theologians who have changed the meaning of words.
- Author(s): Grant Hawley
- 88 Pages
- Religion + Beliefs, Christian Theology
About the Book
The Bible has been unnecessarily complicated by theologians who have changed the meaning of words. Free grace theologians, however, take the literal meaning of words and reveal the amazing grace of the Gospel. In this volume, Grant Hawley explains the vital connection between free grace and dispensational theology.Book Synopsis
The Bible has been unnecessarily complicated by theologians who have changed the meaning of words. Free grace theologians, however, take the literal meaning of words and reveal the amazing grace of the Gospel. In this volume, Grant Hawley explains the vital connection between free grace and dispensational theology.
Not only does the book reveal the root cause of Free Grace theology, but also the origins of Lordship Salvation, the polar opposite of Free Grace.
If you're looking for a concise volume that helps you understand two very different methods of interpreting the Bible, this is your book!
Review Quotes
When people ask me how I became Free Grace in my views, I tell them that there was no conversion. I just read the Bible and let it speak for itself. For the same reason, I was a dispensationalist before I knew what the word was. Grant Hawley really nails down this connection between taking the Bible literally in context, dispensationalism, and Free Grace. He does it carefully and argues forcefully. I appreciate the historical perspective this book brings and hope that it is read widely so that people can better understand how modern controversies evolved. This short book is a full education about the foundation of Free Grace theology. It is essential reading. -Charles C. Bing - Director, GraceLife Ministries
Grant Hawley has provided a much-needed explanation of the historical and theological backgrounds of Free Grace theology. He clearly demonstrates how the dispensational commitment to a literal hermeneutic leads naturally to a Free Grace view of soteriology. On the other hand, he explains how a non-literal hermeneutic results in Lordship soteriology. If the central purpose of biblical history is the salvation of man, as Covenant Theology maintains, they have great difficulties explaining the many passages of Scripture which describe a judgment on believers according to works. Their non-literal hermeneutic leads naturally to an abandonment of a future earthly kingdom. Therefore, the judgment of the believer's works at the Judgment Seat of Christ becomes a judgment instead on non-believers and is merged with the Judgment on non-believers at the Great White Throne Judgment. Thus, works become either a condition of salvation or a test of its genuineness. With relentless logic and biblical discussion, Grant connects Free Grace theology with one's millennial views; the setting aside of the Mosaic law for believers today; and how believers can find assurance. He points out how God's faithfulness to his promises to Israel, even though they became unfaithful, naturally leads to his faithfulness to us, even when we also fail. I have learned much from reading this interesting and helpful volume. You will too! --Joseph Dillow - Author, Final Destiny: The Future Reign of the Servant Kings