
How to Lead in a World of Distraction - by Clay Scroggins (Paperback)

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  • How to replace inner chaos with an emotional awareness that will maximize your influence and result in a calmer, less stressful, and more fulfilling life.While many leaders train themselves on how to tune-out external distractions that keep them from being productive, they remain deaf to the inner desires and emotions churning beneath the surface.
  • Author(s): Clay Scroggins
  • 224 Pages
  • Religion + Beliefs, Christian Life


About the Book

There are common white noises in leadership and ministry that we use to mask our unpleasant emotions and ignore the desires deep inside us. This book is a guide to help you listen to yourself, to recognize what your emotions, your body, and your spirit are saying to you by turning down the white noise threatening to control your life.

Book Synopsis

How to replace inner chaos with an emotional awareness that will maximize your influence and result in a calmer, less stressful, and more fulfilling life.

While many leaders train themselves on how to tune-out external distractions that keep them from being productive, they remain deaf to the inner desires and emotions churning beneath the surface. Pastor and author Clay Scroggins describes spiritual disciplines and tangible daily steps to help you incorporate four noise-cancelling habits into your daily life:

  • Finding simplicity--how does simplicity bring clarity?
  • Speaking to yourself--you're not crazy. Many of us do it; and there are real benefits!
  • Getting quiet--silence is difficult. Why emotionally healthy leaders make time for it.
  • Pressing pause--what does the word sabbath even mean, and why is it so important--on both a practical and a spiritual level?

By embracing these habits--business, church, and ministry leaders will be able to identify and understand their emotions and develop a calm and effective leadership style.

In this follow up to his bestselling book, How to Lead When You're Not in Charge, Clay Scroggins focuses on the real dangers of distraction and how to create space for personal evaluation and exploration.

A companion streaming video study is also available.


"This book is such a valuable resource - not just for leaders but for anyone longing to make a difference in the world." (Dave Ramsey)

"Clay helps you move beyond the distractions to a moment-by-moment awareness that will help you regulate the way you think, act, and feel." (Ian Morgan Cron)

"In this book Clay provides leaders with practical ways to turn down the noise personally and organizationally." (Andy Stanley)

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