
La Quietud Es La Clave - by Ryan Holiday (Paperback)

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  • The most lucid minds in history have had something in common that has allowed them to control their emotions, avoid distractions, discover new ways of looking at the world and achieve all their goals.
  • About the Author: Ryan Holiday is an American writer, marketer, and entrepreneur interested in personal and corporate development.
  • 252 Pages
  • Business + Money Management, Motivational


About the Book

En su nuevo libro, Stillness Is the Key, Holiday se basa en la filosofâia estoica y budista atemporal para mostrar por quâe reducir la velocidad es el arma secreta para quienes se adelantan. Todos los grandes lâideres, pensadores, artistas, atletas y visionarios comparten una cualidad indeleble. Les permite conquistar su temperamento. Para evitar distracciones y descubrir grandes conocimientos. Para lograr la felicidad y hacer lo correcto. Ryan Holiday lo llama quietud: estar firme mientras el mundo gira a tu alrededor. En este libro, esboza un camino para lograr esta forma de vida antigua, pero urgentemente necesaria. Basâandose en una amplia gama de los mâas grandes pensadores de la historia, desde Confucio a Sâeneca, Marco Aurelio a Thich Nhat Hanh, John Stuart Mill a Nietzsche, sostiene que la quietud no es mera inactividad, sino la puerta al autodominio, la disciplina y la concentraciâon. Holiday tambiâen examina figuras que ejemplificaron el poder de la quietud: el jugador de bâeisbol Sadaharu Oh, cuyo estudio del Zen lo convirtiâo en el mejor bateador de jonrones de todos los tiempos; Winston Churchill, quien, al equilibrar su ajetreada vida pâublica con el tiempo que pasâo colocando ladrillos y pintando en su propiedad de Chartwell, logrâo salvar al mundo de la aniquilaciâon en el proceso; Fred Rogers, quien enseänâo a generaciones de niänos a ver lo que era invisible a los ojos; Ana Frank, cuyo diario y amor por la naturaleza la guiaron a travâes de una adversidad inimaginable. Mâas que nunca, la gente estâa abrumada. Se enfrentan a obstâaculos, egos y competencia. Stillness Is the Key ofrece un antâidoto simple pero inspirador contra el estrâes de las noticias y las redes sociales las 24 horas del dâia, los 7 dâias de la semana. La quietud que todos buscamos es el camino hacia el significado, la satisfacciâon y la excelencia en un mundo que lo necesita mâas que nunca.

Book Synopsis

The most lucid minds in history have had something in common that has allowed them to control their emotions, avoid distractions, discover new ways of looking at the world and achieve all their goals. Zen Buddhist thinkers called it inner peace, an essential characteristic for samurai and monks alike. Stoics and Epicureans baptized it as ataraxia, a bastion against the passions of the crowd, indispensable for leadership and the search for truth. Ryan Holiday calls it stillness: the ability to maintain stability as the world turns chaotically around us. Stillness is the key. It describes a way to reach that state through the body, the mind and the spirit. From the work of thinkers ranging from Confucius, Marco Aurelio and Seneca to John Stuart Mill and Friedrich Nietzsche, Holiday explains that stillness is not mere inactivity, but the threshold that allows us to access mastery, discipline and concentration . Enriched with contemporary examples from leaders and artists such as Winston Churchill, Anne Frank, Tiger Woods, and Marina Abramovi and written in her characteristic direct and concise language, this book confirms Ryan Holiday's talent for transmitting ancient wisdom in an accessible and relevant way for the new generations.

About the Author

Ryan Holiday is an American writer, marketer, and entrepreneur interested in personal and corporate development. He is the media editor for the New York Observer and has written for Forbes, The Huffington Post, and others. He also wrote Trust Me, I'm Lying.

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