About this item
- Our Mother: The Holy Spirit by Marianne Widmalm is the definitive book on the history of the gender of the Holy Spirit as revealed in the Hebrew scriptures of the Old Testament, and the teachings of Jesus and the early Church fathers.
- Author(s): Marianne Widmalm
- 272 Pages
- Religion + Beliefs, Christian Theology
About the Book
Our Mother: The Holy Spirit is the definitive book on the historical gender of the Holy Spirit revealed in Hebrew Old Testament scriptures, teachings of Jesus, and the early Christian Church writings.
Book Synopsis
Our Mother: The Holy Spirit by Marianne Widmalm is the definitive book on the history of the gender of the Holy Spirit as revealed in the Hebrew scriptures of the Old Testament, and the teachings of Jesus and the early Church fathers. In Genesis, She was the basis for the physical model of Eve, and her relationship with God's people is as relevant today as it was in the Garden of Eden. Much about The Holy Spirit's gender has been intentionally hidden and mistranslated since gentiles rose to prominence within the Christian Church, and the Hebraic roots of The Spirit of Yahweh were suppressed in scripture in favor of an all-male Trinitarian ideal. However, Yahweh was meticulous in His description of His Spirit in the Old Testament, associating Her with Wisdom and acknowledging Her presence in the creation of the world, whom He called His daily delight. Learn why Her gender was altered by men, how it damaged the Body of Christ, and explore its backlash in feminism. From Genesis to Revelations and many other historical writings of the early Christians, Our Mother: The Holy Spirit exposes the true identity of the Holy Spirit and what She still wants to teach Believers today.
Review Quotes
- "Readers will find Marianne Widmalm's book challenging and provocative." Reverend Dr. Craig Atwood, Director of Center for Moravian Studies
- "This is a book that deserves to be taken seriously by biblical scholars, theologians, and especially 'people in the pew' who would appreciate a broader and more humane understanding of God and God's relationship to humanity." Reverend Dr. Craig Atwood, Director of Center for Moravian Studies
- "She makes a compelling argument that the simplest reading of Genesis 1:26-27 is that men and women are both made in the image of God who is male and female." Reverend Dr. Craig Atwood, Director of Center for Moravian Studies
- "As a vulnerable and reflective writer Widmalm gained credibility with me fairly quickly." Gill Bentham, Author
- "For the layman this book is an exciting guide through the history not only of the Bible but also of other important and most influential books and texts." Anniqa Schols, Theology Student
- "The book creates an inspiration of learning more about the Holy Spirit and having read it... it is difficult to ever again ignore the feminine." Anniqa Schols, Theology Student
- "The female, the Holy Spirit, is present and taking part both in and of the Creation and the life after. To ignore it seems impossible and absurd after having read this book." Anniqa Schols, Theology Student
- "Our Mother The Holy Spirit is a refreshing return to the purity of understanding the Scriptures." Sharon Aubrey, Author of Jesus Unveiled