About this item
- INFLUENTIAL PAIN September 29, 2005 "It's amazing how the influence of one person can cause a winding pattern of insecurities.
- Author(s): Rachel Whittenburg
- 72 Pages
- Biography + Autobiography, Personal Memoirs
Book Synopsis
INFLUENTIAL PAIN September 29, 2005 "It's amazing how the influence of one person can cause a winding pattern of insecurities. We sometimes do not realize the power an adult can have over a child. It can cause another a life of great pain or create an opposite pattern of success. I guess it depends on the person and what they're capable of handling. Just remember if you're an adult and small eyes are watching, you are their hero, so everything you do or each decision you make will have a bearing the outcome of their life. So if you suffer from pain, your child will too. So what you say or do really does matter. While my mom was alive, I still sought love from my dad but it rarely showed. After Mom passed, all I had was my dad. You know how little girls love their daddy. It's a different kind of love from the love that we feel for our mother. I watched a man so tall, so strong dive into grief and pain. He hit bottom and stayed there. He forgot that he was the hero. Although I had no control over my dad or the way he chose to deal with his pain, he did not understand that I learned to deal with it the same way. So now the winding road begins with the writing of this book "Influential Pain."